Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Web BAsed toOl

Microsoft is a web based tool that helps orgainize your writing this tool consistis of micrsoft word, powerpoint, and excel these tools are great for many works in english such as an paper that is due or some kind but this is a great way to do your work and organize it neatly weather than writing it.

Web based tools alos help teachers keep your work organized instead of turing it in on a ragety piece of paper you can turn it in all nice and neat on printing paper. well this is why web based tools are great to us.

Friday, May 8, 2009

My thoughts on the Holocaust

My thoughts on the holocaust is horrible. I hate that innocnet people went through what they went through for no apppearent reason. I am glad that they were rescued. During the holocaust over 3 million Jews were killed. Anne Frank was a Jew and when I watch her movie and read inserts from her book she was a nice little girl who didnt deserve what she got. Anne died just a couple of days before the rescue

Well to sum up my thoughts on the holocaust i want to thank those who rescued the Innocent Jews.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Spring break was very short but fun. Over my spring break I went to Helena for a week. While in Helena I was with family and friends. I went over to the school to visit because i auctually miss going to that school there. But overall im here learing atleast eventhough its boring.

Another thing i did over spring break was went to jonesboro for the weekend before school. While i was in Jonesboro I had so much fun. I went to the mall and brough some things and when the time came I didnt wat to leave.

Inconclusion my spring break went good but it was kind of short and I didnt like it but I had fun.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


My thoughts on the EOL was nothing negative mainly positive. The end of level test was not fun at all, well in a way it was we wasnt in like 3 classes. This EOL test have me very nervous. The reason i am nervous is because it determines if i get remediated or not, but i shouldnt have anything to worry about because I took it very serious.

Another good thing about this test is that we get things out of doing that very long test. The main thing I like is the off campus lunch I think that i'm going to love that no cafeteria food. And we also get personal days out of this yayy! no school for me (LOL).

Well here are my thoughts on the EOL test. I hope I don't see it again. :)

Thursday, February 5, 2009



Materialistic things are things that I would and wouldnt need, and here are the reasons for that.

One reason for that would be like a cell phone i reallyl need my cell phone at times but at other times i hate my cell phone it rings constantly. A cell phone is unique to have but at times it get furstrating

another thing is clothes, Clothes are very very very important to me. Clothes are verything, I go shopping all the time, I can spend alsmost $1,000 on myself everytime i go.

Lastly, Shoes, Who could live without shoes in their life shoes are not cheap at all it's somthing i dont need but i want and if i dont get them, i get mad but im going to get over that.

inconclusion this is why i want what i dont need such as shoes, clothes, and a cell phone.